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Zcash Ecosystem


YWallet is a privacy oriented wallet and messenger for Ycash and Zcash.
Shielded by default
Shielded by default
Ywallet App showing Zcash address, balance and current price on a mobile phone
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Ywallet App showing Zcash address, balance and current price on a mobile phone

* This information is provided by the owner of the associated project and is not verified by a third party.


Funding is available for teams working to improve Zcash, and further financial privacy on the Zcash network and beyond. There are currently two funding gateways within the Zcash ecosytem: open grants and invite-only grants.
Bootstrap,  a nonprofit public charity under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3), is dedicated …
Shielded by default
Private Money in your pocket. Choose Shielded by Default with Nighthawk, an open source, privacy …
Receive payments, access your money in e-wallets, convert to local currency. All with your globally …
ZF A/V Club hosts regular online meetups and collaborates with local events to facilitate discussions …
Free2z makes it easy for fans to support creators by making direct, peer-to-peer donations using …