New Release 4.3.0

The latest release includes traffic improvements, a reworked library and other updates.

Bringing Halo 2 to Zcash

As the first implementation of Halo within Zcash, this would serve as a catalyst for Zcash user confidence and scalability,

New Release 4.2.0

New release 4.2.0 removes the zcashd dependency upon libsodium for ed25519 signature checks and instead uses the Rust implementation in

New Release 4.1.1

This is a hotfix release that addresses a performance regression in v4.1.0. It is recommended that either v4.0.0 or this

New Release: 4.1.0

Migration to Clang and static libc++ zcashd now builds its C++ (and C) dependencies entirely with a pinned version of

New Release: 4.0.0

Network Upgrade 4: Canopy The 4.0.0 release supports the Canopy activation on mainnet, which will occur at a block height

New Release: 3.0.0

Heartwood activation on mainnet This release supports the Heartwood activation on mainnet, which will occur at a block height of

New Release: 2.1.2-3

Electric Coin Co. has released zcashd 2.1.2-3, a hotfix that addresses issues identified in the Heartwood activation on testnet. This

New Release: 2.1.2

Heartwood testnet activation This release supports the activation of Heartwood on testnet, with an activation height of 903800, slated to

New Release: 2.1.0

Blossom network upgrade The mainnet activation of the Blossom network upgrade is supported by this release, with an activation height

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